Research department Information Centre and Surveying Library® VÚGTK, v.v.i.

Research department Information Centre and Surveying Library® is focused on ICT. 

Main activities include:

  • Research in areas of providing of information and popularization of science.
  • Building information systems for cadastre, geodesy, cartography and related industries
  • Organizing trainings and courses on topics from geodesy, geography, geodynamics, metrology and cadastre.
  • Maintenance of Surveying Library®
  • Digitization services focused on maps, atlases, globes, etc.

Research and development

Research in ODIS is focused mainly on the use of digital technologies for popularization and utilization of geodetic data and services and developing new technologies and methods for solving the industry’s problems.

Research results include for example web application for analysis of deformationsVirtual Map Collection, unique technology for globe digitization.

Surveying Library®

Surveying Library is a specialized library for geodesy and related fields. It’s registered by Ministry of Culture according to law n. 257/2001 Sb. as Zeměměřická knihovna® – veřejná specializovaná knihovna.

Its function as professional library for the department of geodesy and cadastre is reflected in VÚGTK’s statutes and it’s funded mostly by institutional funds provided by ČÚZK based on annual contracts.

The library is unique in the Czech Republic and even internationally with regards to its specialization in geodesy, geography, geodynamics, metrology and cadastre. It’s part of a number of international library projects and activities concerning cooperation between institutions and scientific information providing.

Digitization centre

ODIS’ digitization centre provides scanning and digitization of various documents and publications from books through maps, plans and atlases to globes.

The centre is equipped with large-format (A0+) flat-bed scanner allowing even scanning of originals generally impossible to scan on drum scanner due to their size or nature (objects too firm to bend or set in laths etc.). Special cradle adapts the scanner for high-quality and gentle digitization of even valuable and delicate books. The scanner is certified for precise cartometric map digitization by ČÚZK.


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