

Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography, v.v.i
Ústecká 98
250 66 Zdiby
Czech Republic

phone & fax

Secretary of director: +420 226 802 302
Fax: +420 284 890 056
Data box: 7anp8u4

Calibration laboratory: +420 226 802 338

Registration information

IČ: 00025615
DIČ: CZ00025615
IBAN: CZ 69 0100 0000 0000 0413 5201
Tax identification number: CZ00025615

Bank information

Komerční banka, a.s. Regionální pobočka Praha 9 – Balabenka
Českomoravská 2408/1a
190 00 Praha 9
č. ú.: 4135201/0100

How to find us:

By car on the D8 highway exit 1 – Zdiby. Parking is possible directly in the VÚGTK area.

Buses n. 370, 372, 373 from station Kobylisy (Metro station of the same name). Get off at Zdiby, Výzkumný ústav station (after about 10 minutes ride).

Official translations of Institute's name

Výzkumný ústav geodetický, topografický a kartografický, v.v.i.
Research Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Cartography
Institut de la Recherche Géodésique, Topographique et Cartographique
Forschungsinstitut für Geodäsie, Topographie und Kartographie
Научно-исследовательский геодезический, топографический и картографический институт
Науково-дослідний геодезичний, топографічний і картографічний інститут

The website was created as part of project No. S/2952/ŘDP/2021, it was implemented with the financial contribution of the Central Bohemian Region and from the Research, Development and Education Operational Program

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