Deformace has its own XML format for input data (basic module). Its definition follows W3C recommendations.


XML Form

Input data example

XML input format syntax

Syntax is defined by DTD (Definice Typu Dokumentu) at following address :


Description of XML syntax



<task id="deformace">




Inside element <task id=”deformace”> all data needed for run of application are specified Sub-root element is <deformation> with two attributes - datum is optional attribute serving to define coordinate reference system. Possible values are at the end of this page. If it is not specified it is possible to specify it later interactively from menu during data input. Second attribute version serves to keep information about DTD version (present value is „1.02“).

Element <description> contains 4 elements, all of them optional, serving to keep description and notes:

Element <parameters> contains two obligatory elements: <grid> serves for parameters of grid and element <interp> for parameters of interpolation:

Element <points-observations> contains main data for computation of deformation analysis – point coordinates of given points, their id and increments. It is possible to give point by either set of two coordinates („old“ and „new“, from two epochos of measurements) or by coordinates and two elements.

Input data from one or two files

related items

Input data format
